Legal notices

Site owner:

Company name: SOFY
Legal form: [Indicate the legal form of your company, for example SARL, SAS, self-employed, etc.]
Address: [Company Address]
Phone: [Company Phone Number]
Email: [Company Email Address]
Commercial register registration number: [RCS registration number]
Share capital: [Amount of the company's share capital]
Publication Director: [Name of publication director, if applicable]
Website Host: Shopify Inc., 150 Elgin Street, Suite 800 Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4, Canada

Protection of personal data:

In accordance with the law [indicate the applicable law on the protection of personal data], the information collected on this site is subject to computer processing intended for [indicate the purpose of the processing]. The data controller is [company name]. In accordance with the law, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact us at the following address: [contact email address].

Intellectual property:

All elements appearing on our site are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any total or partial reproduction of these elements without prior authorization from [company name] is strictly prohibited.


Hypertext links on this site directing users to other Internet sites do not engage the responsibility of [company name] as to the content of these sites.
